Friday, December 18, 2009

Better late than never..

So Jay-May has reminded me a bunch that I'm a total slacker when it comes to my blog, so here's my update.
Raleigh parents...lock up your teenagers because Nicole Brantley is now officially a Youth Pastor's wife!! God is BIG...He continues to blow my ever lovin mind. I'm learning to expect the unexpected in the best sort of way. God has been teaching BJ and our family (along with our closest friends as well) about how God blesses the smallest of sacrifices and how His plan is always best. One day, when I grow up, I'm going to always remember those truths, but for now, I will do the best I can and continue to discover that God's mercies are new every morning!

We are SOOO proud of our Drewdie. He was so precious at his Christmas pageant this past week. He sang every word and rang his bell perfectly. Me, Mimi, and Grandma couldn't hold back the tears. Drew is growing and maturing everyday and he is always reminding me of the simple pleasures of my unprompted "I love yous" and sweet kisses all over my face. My heart is full that we are about to have almost 2 full weeks together, and you better believe, I don't plan on leaving any sugars for anyone else.

Devlan is also growing by leaps and bounds. He continues to be sensitive and nutty. He lost his second top front tooth, leaving a gap the size of a bus where his front two teeth were. Of course he doesn't want us to pick on him about him wanting his two front teeth for Christmas. He also continues to keep me grounded by bringing up something totally profound out of the blue.

I think that gets up caught up for now....Merry CHRISTmas!!! I'll make sure to post what God does on our big youth Ski trip over New Years.

Oh and don't worry if you hear rumors of me kissing Santa Claus...I have a thing for Santa:)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Too funny not to share

My dad, who is a hero, took Emma and Drewdie to the fair all by himself. All 3 had a ball. After they went back to Mimi and G-Daddy's to play.
Emma comes out and says, "Mimi, Drew is having a baby and can't get it out and I'm the doctor and don't know what to tell him". Mimi and G-Daddy advise Dr. Emma to tell Drew to "PUSH, PUSH".
A couple of minutes later Drew and Emma emerge from their room with 2 stuffed animals wrapped in a blanket and announced the birth of twins, Floppy and Teddy. Too funny!

Birthdays, Flu Shots, and Field Trips

I know it's been an incredibly long time since I've made a post, so here goes...

My sweet baby boy, Drewdie is turning 5! I catch myself wondering where in the world the last 5 years have gone and I'm constantly trying to figure out how to keep him a baby...I've just about given up. He is such a very special child and he cracks me up constantly with his Uncle Scott-like sense of humor. He's very quick witted and almost always on his toes.

BJ and I had a chance to play at a youth lock-in last weekend and a precious 17 year old boy played with us. The whole night I couldn't shake the thought that in 10 years that could be Devlan. This has rocked my world! In 2 years we will be half way through our time with this amazing boy. I know it is only by God's grace that I have the 2 most beautiful, smart, and sweet boys God ever made....

So our awesome pediatrician called on Monday to check up on Drewdie Poodie. We got into the conversation about flu vacinnate against H1N1 or not. Both boys now get the flu mist for the seasonal flu, but there have been many questions about the H1N1 thing. I trust our pediatrician, maybe even to a fault, but she's never steered us wrong before. I'm really more scared of the kids getting the H1N1 virus than any possible side affects from the shot. At some point I guess I think you have to trust the people you pay very good money to and ask the Lord to handle the rest.

I pride myself on being honest with my when Devlan pressed about where babies came out, we had a very detailed conversation about it. I want them to always feel like they can ask me anything and get a real answer, however, when it comes to shots I'm scared.
I don't like getting a surprise shot, so I really fee like I should let them know, but unfortunately Devlan Grey is mine through and through and by the time Saturday morning rolls around he will have an ulcer. Drew won't care so much, but I don't want him worried about a shot during his birthday party....these are the things I never imagined thinking about before children but as the boys grow older I find myself facing more and more of these delicate I'm seeing why my mom always said it gets harder as they get older! She also says that you're going to screw your kids up and even if you don't they're going to blame you anyway :)

Finally, I am going with Delvan on his school field trip to Old Salem. I've always wanted to go and never have, so I'm really excited (and yes this only confirms what a huge dork I am). The only issue I'm having is the bus ride. Everyone that knows me knows that I get horribly car sick. The fear of getting car sick only makes it worse giving me panic issues on top of it. I've decided that if anyone can get me through this fear, it's Devlan. I would do anything for him and even though I laughed at my mom when she went a spinning ride with Devlan (that she knew would make her sick) at the fair, she did it for him. I'm going to follow her example and take one for the team. I figure I'll take a Dramamine and pray alot! I hate being such a freak, but the Lord isn't done with yet!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Time to catch up...

It's almost the end of my super busy season....we're now counting down the days. 5 and counting!

Life is moving so fast it seems like millions of things have changed since my last post so here go the updates:

*BJ's dad (Papa with no hair) was diagnosed with tongue cancer and has had surgery to remove the tumor. The surgery turned out far better than anyone expected and Barry is well on his way to recovery.

*Devlan is now officially a 2nd grader. He is learning so many things and growing by leaps and bounds. He is very into helping me do all sorts of things to earn money. He's saving up to buy a Nintendo DS game so he's always looking for ways to earn. He came into work with me last Saturday and helped me make copies and earned a one whole dollar...I'm enjoying that while it lasts...before long he's going to start asking for more.

*Drewdie started therapy Duke for his sensory issues. As a family we are learning so much and had no clue simple things like having him drink a milkshake through a straw can be very calming. I'm not really sure who figured out these therapies but I'm betting someone discovered it by accident, either way, I'm grateful that we have these resources....God's provision is amazing.
Drew also started Grove Park Chapel preschool, another excellent example of God's perfect timing. We got the call he got in the morning of the orientation. He loves going (so far) and seems to be getting settled in. He is precious in so many ways and I am grateful that I get to be the parent of this amazingly resilient little boy. I'm convinced God has big plans for him and hope that we can simply point him in the right direction.

*Some friends of ours went camping and invited us over Labor Day. I make no bones about the fact that I don't camp. Call me whatever you like (priss pot, princess, etc), but it does not sound like fun to go in the heat with no running water or close by facilities. I decided I'd be a good sport and go for a little while and just not spend the night. Unfortunately I had to get some work done, but mostly just couldn't get past the dooky like mud. Everything in me was saying "Run the other way". I left for home and BJ and the boys stayed at the lake for the night just for Drew and BJ to be awakened in the middle of the night covered in ants. They ended up sleeping the rest of the night in the truck....see...nothing about that sounds fun to me.....nothing!

I think that catches everyone up to speed!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Some random pictures of the boys

Hurry Up and Wait

So busy season is here and all of the regular frustrations have reappeared. You gotta love it when you've been pretty slow all day and a client sends in what you need to move on with a project at 5pm. However, in God's perfect providence He made some time to remind of some things.
*I have a most wonderful set of girlfriends. What started as a life group at Cross Culture has really become a family, and I like to say that Jesus' blood is certainly thicker than water! I never imagined I would get to learn and share my life with 6 of the most beautiful, talented, and hilarious women on the thank you Coral, Jen, Jay-May, Kristi, Laurie, and Lisa. You each are a gift.
*I am truly blessed that BJ and I both have our parents and even some grandparents still on this earth. God has taken some very important people to be with him already, but our children's lives are filled with Grandma, Papa (with and without hair), Mimi, G-Daddy, Nana, Granny, and Grandma Helen. This also means that BJ and I are still babies at our parents houses and our hearts are full as we watch our children fall in love over and over again with these special people that survived our own childhoods, maybe with a few scars, but alive none-the-less. :)
*I love being a pastor's wife. Although at times I still question God's judgement on that one, I continue to see God moving in my life and growing me beyond what I ever imagined. I love encouraging women around me and just being real with other women about my struggles in the faith. I pray that God is more evident in my life today than yesterday, but although I am God's masterpiece I am still very much under construction...and YES, the paint is still wet! My husband is a joy to watch as he becomes more like Jesus all the time. He is perfect for me in every way, managing to make my weaknesses my strength and remind me to focus on Jesus through his passionate love for the Savior and His church. I fell in love with him because of his gentleness and sweet sweet spirit, (ok his drop dead gorgeousness helped) but I continue to fall in love with him more completely as I watch him be a Daddy (not a father) to our children, a Pastor to our church, and my very best friend (with benefits) ever! He loving me is a picture of what God's grace and mercy are all about.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Coming back from Family vacation

BJ, me, and the boys spent 9 whole days away the beach. BJ was a trooper and turned his blackberry off and disappeared to the world for a week. This was something our family desperately needed, but of course, in hindsight not for any of the reasons I thought. I thought that we were going to rest and enjoy some time minstering to and loving on each other. I thought we needed to "escape" for a bit and not be responsible for anyone or anything for a week. However, of course God had other plans...We got away just so God could remind us how very complete our ministry makes us. It was fun laying on the beach and napping in the sand, but at the end of the day I had little to contemplate but God's amazing creation. I longed all week to call my BFFs and find out what God was doing in their lives (and maybe check a reaction or 2 to the weekly So You Think You Can Dance episode). I missed cooking and delivering meals to the sick, I missed helping a friend with her kids, I missed encouraging a new mom, and I really missed corporate worship in the home that God has chosen for our family. So instead of waiting until Saturday to come back we tried to sneak in on Friday and grab one last day in the comfort of our own home together. We had been home about an hour when one of BJ's BFFs showed up to mow our lawn. BJ and I laughed about God's providence and how Joe didn't surprise either of us by coming by to serve our family. We are blessed beyond understanding to have friends that love us that much and friends that we know that well. So as we returned to "normal life" (whatever in the world that is) we felt renewed and reminded of God's call on our lives...really on all of our serve one another. When done with the right heart, it is the greatest joy on the planet...I can't help but think of my Pastor quietly reminding me...."We GET to do this", this being God's work. Why he lets a nasty sinner like me have anything to do with Him, I'm not quite sure, but I DO know that His endless love for me probably has something to do with it.
Now on to some funny's from our week of vacation:
*We learned the term "snogging" thanks to a Harry Potter movie with lots of teen romance at which Devlan declared in the middle of the movie theatre, "I have had ENOUGH!". Drew spent the rest of the week trying to "snog" mommy. He would pucker thoses little lips and smush them to mine while moving his head from side to side. Per our favorite South African snogging does = making out. I'm not telling Drew about this, I'm going to let him keep "snogging" me until the cows come home...before long he'll be like Devlan and offer me his head when I pucker up to him. :(
*Devlan got his 1st ever crick in his neck. For 3 days he held his head cock-eyed and complained constantly. When we tried to get him to take a single motrin (not children's, but the kind you have to swallow) he couldn't bring himself to do it. BJ (the really calm one) got really flustered with him and I quietly laughed from the kitchen.
*Devlan pooped in his pants (a little) on the way home. I don't know what he ate, but when we got to a rest stop he said "Mommy, my pants are wet", and sure enough there was a greenish brown circle on the butt of his britches. We then had the pleasure of explaining diarrhea to the boys. We obviously didn't do a very good job because Devlan said he needed some diarrhea medicine on Sunday. As I was reaching for the Pepto I asked some questions, only to find out that our brilliant son thought diarrhea is simply green poop.

Friday, July 10, 2009

God met me in the water

Over July 4th weekend, BJ and I and a crew of our friends went down to Emerald Isle for our 2nd annual hot dog give away. We have really good friends who have planted a church down there and love our yearly trip to give away a billion and one free hot dogs, drinks, and to play some music. The week leading up to our leaving was crazy (as normal) and I was feeling very sorry for myself. I was tired and of course my uterus was being nuts and I was just plain grumpy. After throwing a fit over not having skim milk, but 2% milk instead, my very patient and gentle husband had to point out I was being a brat. I went to bed a bit frustrated and was just hoping for some rest.
The next day we had some time for rest and relaxation on the beach, which happens to be my most favorite place in the world. I spent a long time out in the ocean, way out, jumping waves and letting many of them crash over my head. It was there that God met with me. Like only God can, out in the middle of a perfect picture of His power and might, He reminded me that He is in control. He clearly spoke the following to me out in the waves: "Nicole, I know you are weary and ministry can often be exhausting. I know that your uterus is killing you and I'm afraid you've forgotten some very important things. I have the the power to split this ocean in 2 and leave dry land in the middle. I also have the power to simply lift you to the top of the waves and allow you to walk on top of the waves....however, in my desire to draw you closer to me and make you more like myself, I am choosing to leave you IN the water and therefore the crashing waves. You don't need to understand why, it is far above you, but you are mine and I love you. I love you so much that I refuse to give you an always easy road, but I DO promise you a good road. Remember these truths and lay back and enjoy the ride. Fighting the waves will just tire you more....I'm here and I've promised I will never leave you and you will not drown in surf."
I spent the rest of the weekend trying to get myself together. I'm still amazed that God chooses to meet with me, often in the strangest places, but he's always chasing me down.
Oh no, You never let go, through the calm and through the storm, oh no, You never let go, every high and every low, oh no you never let go, Lord you never let go of me!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Busy, Busy, and did I say busy?

The past couple of weeks have been full of fun in the sun, loving on our friends, and for me, lots of snot :) BJ has been even busier than normal because he has picked up a second job with Chris Leader at a day camp. I think BJ is the only real "parent" there so needless to say, he wipes alot of noses and band-aids lots of boo-boos. The boys really enjoy it because they get to attend while BJ works there. I think Drew thinks he counselor...

We are preparing to head down to the beach for our 2nd annual hot dog giveaway! We had a ball last year and even though it's 2 days packed full of work, it's ministry at it's best. I guess it's a mission trip, like the rest of our lives should be.

I have been debating about possibly taking Devlan with us, we have made plans for Mimi and Grandma to watch the kids over the weekend, but Devlan is getting so big. He turned 7 on June 20th and it seems he's growing by leaps and bounds. This past Sunday night at life group he had his 1st babysitting experience. He helped Mr. Joe watch 4 other kids while the ladies spent some time in prayer. He is so gentle and sweet with little ones. I can already see so much of his daddy in him. (Hallelujah)! I want so badly to teach him that ministry is a lifestyle and feel like this little beach mission trip might be a great way to do that. I may just ask which he would prefer, but I'm pretty sure although he's pretty grown at 7, he will still not pick a weekend of working ministry for a chance to stay with Mimi, G-Daddy, and Grandma...I guess we'll see!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Time for a new doo

So because I'm getting old and I have no desire to change my family or my job, the only thing I have left to change is my hair. So the great Lauren went to work. Three hours later I was a curly headed blond! Of course that meant it was picture time. Daddy met me and the boys to try and get some good pictures for BJ for fathers day. I've been wanting to replace the candle thingie over the mantle with a huge picture of my sweet boys for some time. I guess I was waiting until Drew was big enough to cooperate...and boy did we get some beautiful pictures. Of course, I was so excited that I just HAD to tell BJ, so I ruined the suprise, but he got to pick his favorite!
Devlan is now officially on summer break and I am on baby watch. I've got one friend at work 4 days from her due date (and yes I'm praying she will go into labor AT work so I get to be there), 2 of my very close friends are due in August, then add Devlan's 1st grade teacher and our friend who is due in July. I don't know if there is something in the water or if people just got really bored this past fall....
We are trying to decide what activities the boys will do over the next couple of months. Devlan wants to play basketball in the winter, but could play baseball or football in the fall. I am totally against football because Devlan would be the one constantly getting hurt (after all this is the kid that I had to wrap an ace bandage around his leg when he skinned his leg on Sunday and it wasn't even bleeding). Drew would probably love football but isn't old enough and I doubt the other kids would be tough enough for Captain Destructo. I am thinking of sending Drew to gymnastics classes after he had ball at Emma's birthday party at the Little Gym (where they have all sorts of gymnastic equipment). And then we have to decide a short term camp or longer term many decisions and so little brain power

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Drewdie's on summer break

So due to some extenuating circumstances Drew is done with school for this year. BJ is taking on the very difficult task of home-schooling over the summer months. BJ is going to take time to teach Drew through school work on paper but also by teach him to be a servant of the Lord Jesus. Today they are painting the house of a sister-in-Christ who is preparing for a new baby soon. I can't imagine my Drewdie in any better hands. I'm still not sure how I nabbed a man that is sooo handsome and strong and wise and tender....God is too good to me!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mother's Day Menu

I'm very excited that Mimi, G-Daddy, KK, Scott, and all the kiddos will be coming to the Brantley house for lunch on Sunday. Cooking for people is my absolute most favorite thing to do. Here's what we're having:
  • Parmesan chicken with homemade honey mustard (Mimi' request)
  • Green bean bundles
  • Parmesan carrots (yes we like Parmesan ALOT)
  • homemade yeast rolls
  • roast potatoes (South African style)
  • Strawberry pie for dessert

I can't wait!

Friday, May 1, 2009

G-Daddy Masterpiece

I know he's mine and I'm totally partial...but this is a beautiful picture of a beautiful child!

See for more!

The Great Wolfe Lodge, Baseball, D-Now, and a Legacy

The Great Wolfe Lodge ROCKS! We had a ball in Concord at the indoor water park. The family water slides were amazing and we had many laughs with Mimi and G-Daddy. Devlan loved playing Magic Quest, where you get a wand that activates all sorts of things throughout the resort. The game is essentially an electronic scavenger hunt that both the adults and kids had a great time figuring out. Drew and BJ spent alot of time in the arcade and I caught BJ on more than one occasion playing Guitar Hero :)

Devlan is now in the full swing of baseball season. He is having a great time and I know I'm partial, but he's actually pretty good. He play 1st base and consistently gets good hits. On Wednesday night he got his 1st ever Grand Slam....before too long his head won't fit through the door jam.

BJ and I got to go with a group of friends to participate in a D-Now weekend in Clayton. This is an overnight youth event that focused on sharing the gospel and God showed up big time! This church was amazing, welcoming us with open arms and very sweet hearts. It was so awesome for BJ and I to get back to our roots...youth ministry. I have so missed being with teenagers and having the opportunity to speak into their lives. As usual I showed up hoping to be used by God to bless the life of a teenager and I was the one who left changed. Over this weekend I was reminded of God's goodness and of evils very real hold on much of our world. My heart, for the 1st time in a long time, was broken for lost and hurting students. So often I live happily in my Jesus bubble, content in my own salvation and forgetting that there are broken and scarred people all around me. With open eyes I am seeing the unexplainable pain of a child and also being reminded of God's grace that makes beauty from ashes. Please pray for the teenagers of Clayton, NC as they seek to find out who God really is.

Finally, I've had another profound parenting moment this week. As my heart was already tender from D-now and sensitive to hearing the Spirit of Jesus whisper to me this is what I realized: My children have an awesome and rare gift....a full legacy of people that truly long to love and serve Jesus. I see Grandma serving babies each week in the nursery, showing them the love of Christ by rocking and changing diapers. I watch G-Daddy use his God-given talents to share the love of Christ to complete strangers. I see Mimi constantly sacrificing to join with us in prayer for our ministries. And then there's Papa, playing the drums for Jesus each and every Sunday. Devlan and Drew have something worth far more than a large trust fund or society pages could ever offer....a WHOLE family who loves and is actively serving Jesus. What a legacy to leave with them!
Lord Jesus, thank you for the family you have blessed us with and I pray that you will in turn bless those that have so selflessly loved us and those that are teaching, with their lives, the importance of loving you. You're goodness is almost too much for me and my cup is full.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A few Easter pics

You've got to love Drewdie's precious green smile and Devlans huge cheese!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Today 2000 years ago

So today is a crazy day for me. Being a tax accountant, we are pushing everything that is due on April 15th out the door today so that everyone can enjoy their Easter weekend (instead of working all weekend.) But, this morning, on my way to work I spent some time talking outloud to the Lord as I often do. (In this age of hands-free I get less crazy looks than I used to.) I couldn't get over the magnitude of what was happening this day over 2000 years ago. Instead of my normal listing of please give me and provide for me and forgive me fors, I just asked Jesus over and over was he thinking of me when he was scourged, beaten, spit upon, mocked, nailed to the cross, crowned with thorns and as he felt the weight of my sin as His Father turned his back. His resounding response to me was YES! He loved ME that much. That sounds very diferent that "For God so loved the world", what God was saying through John was "For God so loved Nicole". WOW! He would have done it just for me or you had we been the only ones on the planet. This is a love I hope I never get over and I'm sure I will never understand. Jesus suffered all of this WILLINGLY. Yes, he was nailed to the cross, but he laid down on that cross of his own will. He could have called a legion of angels to free him, but instead he hung there, in agony, thinking of me. Loving me so much, even in my wickedness, and knowing I would never be able to earn forgiveness, so He paid my debt for me. So today I am going to spend the day just thinking of Him and thanking Him for this amazing thing that He's done for me.

Isaiah 53:3b-6, "We turned our backs on Him and looked the other way. He was despised, and we did not care. Yet it was our weaknesses He carried; it was our sorrows that weighed Him down...But He was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins! He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. All of us, like sheep have strayed away. We have left God's paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on Him the sins of us all." (NLT)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Drewdie's Test Results and Resurrection Day Plans

BJ and I went to meet with Director of the pre-k program that identifies and helps children with all sorts of learning issues. In the end, Drew was tested by a psychologist, speech therapist, and occupational therapist. He was also observed at his preschool. Donna (the director) obviously had fallen in love with Drew at the observation, and really, I know he's mine, but he IS the most beautiful child EVER!! The bottom line of all the results are that our child is brilliant like his Daddy and wild and figety like his Mommy. His constant movement is attributed to a "sensory input problem" that requires him to experience and process the world through movement. This also means that Drew has a very difficult time ignoring and blocking out ambient noise and excess visual stimuli. Because Drew is above where he should be intellectually, he is not able to get the occupational therapy he needs for free. So we are waiting to see what our pediatrician can find out about getting him into a private therapist. I know that God will provide whatever we need financially to get Drew the help he needs. Apparently things like weighted vests and massage can help Drew stay focused. The good news is that even though he is constantly moving, and it often appears that he isn't paying attention, he is! He is still learning everything he needs to and I guess we should become really concerned if he ever slows down. :)

This coming Sunday is my favorite holiday! Christmas is great, with all the gift giving and holiday spirit, and certainly had Christ never been born we couldn't have saved me from my sins, but there is nothing like celebrating God's power and love through the empty tomb!!!! We have lots of family out of town on Sunday so our normal Easter Sunday lunch is out. So instead we are choosing to do something special for the kids. Jay-May will bring over KK (since her hubby has to earn a living) and we will have a real live picnic. We will have NO adult food, but rather have all of the kids favorite things like mandarin oranges, grapes, cookies, pig-in-the-blankets, and chicken nuggets. We will all pile in the hammock and swing and sing and play. I am VERY excited. I want my children to remember this and what it is all about. I will constantly remind them that this day and all the candy and eggs is just how we celebrate that yes, Jesus died on the cross for me (and for you), but he didn't stay dead. HE IS ALIVE AND LIVING IN ME!!!! HAPPY RESURRECTION DAY EVERYBODY!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A funny moment from the Brantley dinner table

BJ and I are making our grand RE-entrance into youth ministry. We have both missed it horribly and through our awesome student pastor, Chris, we are going to participate in a D-now event at the end of April. BJ and I were discussing how awesome these events are (overnight discipleship events) and how we always make memories with the friends that are also participating. I made the mistake of saying, "no children and lots of fun". Of course, nosy britches (a.k.a Devlan) was listening intently the whole time. He raised his hand (sometimes he forgets that he's not at school and knows better than to just interrupt) and said "So are you saying that you don't like us mommy?" I started laughing and then realized that he was semi-serious. So then Bj tried to dig me out by asking Delvan, "Who would you rather play your DS with, Caleb or me?" Devlan had caught on at this point and said "You Daddy". We happened to know that this wasn't true and the smile on his face was a dead giveaway.
Note to self: Not only will they repeat anything they hear but also analyze it.....SCARY!

Friday, March 27, 2009

A grown-up heart ache

Last night I made it home just in time to read the boys a book and tuck them in. After our normal prayers and kisses and hugs everyone got situated in their perspective beds. Devlan (from the top bunk) sat up and handed me his frog (he sleeps with a frog and a bear every night). He said "mommy I can sleep by myself now, you can throw the frog away". He said it without a smile on his face and he was actually quite pitiful. I was saddened and immediately suspicious of what brought this on. Was this a sort of big boy rite of passage to give up your stuffies or had someone shamed him into this? I walked away (with frog in hand) looking for Drew's huge Mickey Mouse and my mommy-dar kicked in. I walked back and stood on the bottom bunk so I could be nose to nose with my big boy and asked him, "Baby, did somebody tell you that you shouldn't sleep with stuffed animals?" Big alligator tears filled his eyes and he shook his head no. I asked him what was wrong and he said "I don't know". I made sure he knew that I was NOT going to throw the frog away and he could have it if he wanted.

I left the boys to go to sleep and slipped into my own bed to read while I waited for BJ to come home. I couldn't get over the frog thing and my very wise husband (via the phone) said why don't you go get in the bed with him and talk. This hadn't occurred to me at all, mostly because I feared breaking the bed and smooshing Drewdie down below. He assured me it would be ok.

My climb into the bed was less than graceful, but was very welcomed by Devlan. I kissed his face and wiped his tears away, much like my own mother had done a million times for me. I asked him again, did someone say something to him about sleeping with stuffies? There, in the safety of the darkness, he began to whisper to me about how he has been picked on by 2 girls in his class. He took his bear with him on pajama day during spirit week, and ever since then has been ragged by these two little girls. My heart was broken in 2, not because he had been picked on (that part made me want to strangle a 1st grader), but because I realized that this was his 1st of very many grown-up hurts. This was different than when your babies are sick and your heart hurts, I truly felt his aching heart in my own chest. I reassured him and reminded him that God made him so special and that there will be many people in his life that have things to say about him and none of them matter except for what Jesus thinks (and mom & dad, I must confess I added us in). I told him I would talk to his teacher, and he asked if his "Daddy could handle it", which attests to Devlan's full faith in his father's strength and do I teach Devlan that one day, when his earthly Father is gone, he will have to rely on his heavenly Father. This task of raising godly men is almost too much, Jesus show me how to make my babies value your opinion over the snotty nosed 1st grade girls!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Late is better than never

So I'm a month behind on updating my blog, big fat surprise considering we're in the heat of tax season.

BJ's surprise was my dream date, in living color. We went to eat sushi (my favorite), a couples massage at Skin Sense, and ended up at the Embassy Suites for the night. He had purchased me something beautiful to wear....and that's where the PG was sweet and wonderful to spend time alone and away. I'm still looking for the wings that must be attached to him somewhere.

Devlan has started baseball and it turns out our little brain is really good at throwing and hitting (who'd a thunk?). They are just practicing right now and he is really enjoying it. Devlan also made A Honor Roll (again) and is growing like a weed. It makes me want to cry as I clean out their drawers to make room for warm weather clothes. The years are flying by and I don't want to miss a moment of it.

Drew is still the baby (his forever designation) and is getting funnier by the day. Althogh BJ can be hilarious, I'm guessing that Drew got his humor from his Uncle Scott. I spend alot of time trying to avoid laughing at him in moments when I should be giving him the evil eye. For instance, last night we were having a family dinner around the table and Drewdie was eating like a horse. He asked for more after scarfing down a huge sandwich and bowl of soup and then let out the loudest burp ever. He of course smiled and said "Scuse me". I did my best to cover my face and act like I was choking while bouncing with laughter at him. So Drewdie and I got the evil eye from Daddy...oh well.

Friday, February 20, 2009

What's the Big Surprise

My husband is up to something....imagine that! I have no clue what is going on, but I know that my kids are staying with my best friend tonight, overnight (say a prayer for them) and that is truly the extent of what I know. BJ has been SUPER secretive, not even telling me if I need to come home after work or meet him somewhere. I am totally in the dark, and that drive me batty. I'm a planner and need to know girl so that I can be prepared, but BJ has said to me like 100 times this week, "You just go to work and I'll take care of the rest". Today will surely be the longest day in the history of work....but what's a girl to do but wait. And I shouldn't act like I haven't tried bugging the pee out of BJ to find out what the deal is. But after nearly everyone in my life said, "You better leave it alone or you're going to ruin it", I finally decided to do my best at being patient and waiting (definitely NOT my strong suit).

In other news, Drew had his first testing this week. The psychologist said that after about 10 minutes she had trouble getting Drew to focus and concentrate and I'm thinking...DUH!!! This is the whole reason we are having him tested. He see the occupational therapist today for more tests. We won't get the results until the very end. This child IS wide open ALL the time, but he is so uniquely precious. He always brings Psalm 139:13 to mind, once again reminding me that God knit Drew together inside of my belly (WOW!!) And, even though he can drive me wild, if I can point him to Jesus, then God will do GREAT and MIGHTY things with that wild child. And for the mean time, I will treasure even more the moments when he climbs into my bed and shares his wrinkled and soggy thumb (his most treasured possession) with Mommy.

Devlan is playing baseball this spring in our local league. He goes for his skills assessment tomorrow at noon so that the teams can be assigned. He has NO lack of self-confidence. I was explaining that he has to do this so that no one team gets kids that are all good at the same things. He quickly informed me that "I'm good at throwin', and catchin', and hittin'" I love my little country bumpkin!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Alot can happen in just one weeks time

So here's all the craziness that filled the Brantley house over the past week:
*Devlan was picked up from school and told us that he got on orange. Now, that means he was one step from the principals office. When I asked him what happened, his response was "I touched a girl on her private parts". So now my heart is in my throat and I'm doing my best to not totally lose it and wreck the car (yes this is all happening while I drive). So I take a deep breath and ask very calmly, "What it up top or down between her legs?" Then Devlan gave me sort of a funny look (through the rearview mirror) and said "no Mommy, on the back of her legs". WHEW!! I had really been sweating, crazy things running through my head like is 6 too young to recognize a sexual predator and could a 6 year old be arrested, but I was so relieved to hear he only swatted the girl on her butt. And just for the record, he only hit her, after she hit him first, granted the child could use better aim and for the life of him can't understand why it's ok for Daddy to constantly be smacking Mommy on the hiney, but it's not ok for him to do it.
*Monday was my honey's birthday, the big 32. Devlan, wrote him a very sweet card, and then pulled out a small orange piece of paper from his bible. Months ago, Devlan had earned a certificate for a free Frosty from Wendy's at C2Kids. He had been saving it all this time for his Daddy's birthday. It was soooo sweet, and by now the thoughts of jail and therapy had long disappeared. I just held him for a long time, trying to remember the way his little hands felt around my back, so I can cry about it 20 years from now when his arms are around some huzzy. (Just kidding....sort of)
*Finally, our last big event of the week was when Devlan lost his very first tooth!!! Well lost probably isn't the best description. This child had wiggled and twisted this tooth until it was literally hanging out of his head. I finally convinced him to let me "check" it and when I touched it it feel in my hand. The tooth fairy visited and left $1. Devlan was a bit disappointed with only getting a dollar...I did my best not to whack him upside the head. What does he think? Money grows on trees?
I'm sure you guys are wondering where Drew was during all of this....climbing on something or terrorizing the dog mostly. He has been thrilled to not be the one in trouble for once, being very excited to tell me that he had a good day at school when his brother had a bad one. He's of course now thinking that all of his teeth are lose, because although sometimes they fight and bicker, Drew idolizes his big borther and wants to do and be everything he is!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Just call me....

A quick note on a VERY funny dinner table moment. I was talking with my sweet hubby about weight watchers over dinner (once again) and told him how my buddy had called herself "Fatty McFaterson". I thought this was hilarious and Devlan piped right up and said well "Mommy, you're Snotty McSnoterson (considering I've been sick for a month), so ya'll should be good friends". Where do they come up with this stuff? One day when I have time I'm going to write a book with all of these funny moments...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

We're shaping their little minds.....scary huh?

So you would think after being a mom for over 6 years with 2 very different children, that I wouldn't have quite so many life altering aha moments...but I'm still having them....often. It is totally freaking me out that I still have much more power in the life of my children than even I realize. Let me explain... Devlan is a stellar student (of course with such brilliant parents) and for the 2nd nine weeks he again received the Principal's Award for A Honor Roll. And with his eyes wide and sparkling with all the pride his little heart could muster he said, "Mommy I'm a nerd just like you!". I thought it was precious and sweet, but it didn't hit me right then, however this morning on my drive to work (sometimes the only quiet I get) I was totally floored. See, usually the word "nerd" in America has a negative connotation, you think high-waters, pocket protectors, glasses, homely, etc. However, in my home, it is a term of endearment. My husband for years has lovingly called me "his little nerd" and Devlan has been witness to this millions of times. So much so, that in our own little bubble Devlan was excited to be labeled a nerd. This may not rock your world, but it has mine. So if we have the power and influence to change how our child interprets this seemingly meaningless word, I have to believe that we can also affect how he takes in many other parts of his world. I know it's not by what I say that he learns the most, but rather how I act. So with that in mind here a few words that I pray I can teach him what they mean, not what the "world" says they mean, but what God's word says about them.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Crisis galore....but MY God is still in control

So this week has been a doozie. It started out with 2 days out of town for work. Upon my return home the craziness began. Almost everyone of our closest friends had something major happen in their lives, and none of it was pleasant. We had a car wreck, a funeral for a 25 year old mother, almost disastrous legal problems, a doctors appointment, a surgery, and then this fabulous week ended with a bang.....a major job lay-off. So I come home, a beat beaten and bruised from the week and run to the only place I know with all the answers....MY GOD!!! BJ and I spend time in prayer together for each of these couples in our lives that we love so much (that is always the sweetest time). Then BJ pulls out his guitar so we can practice a song for the invitation at church on Sunday. We straight up worshiped together, singing to to the top of our lungs, hands reached to the sky, and tears running down my face. I think the words of the song
say it all so hear they are.

"Maker of Heaven" (by the Desperation Band)

Keep my heart amazed
Let me see Your wonders everyday
Teach me in Your ways so that I may fear
You are walking on water
You are calling me after
You are standing beside me now
You are the Maker of Heaven
You turned my world around
Youre making all things new again
Through it all I know You are God alone

Verse 2:
Set my heart on fire
Let me burn with passion for Your name
Take over my life I surrender now

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, You are God alone
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, You are God alone