Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Drewdie's Test Results and Resurrection Day Plans

BJ and I went to meet with Director of the pre-k program that identifies and helps children with all sorts of learning issues. In the end, Drew was tested by a psychologist, speech therapist, and occupational therapist. He was also observed at his preschool. Donna (the director) obviously had fallen in love with Drew at the observation, and really, I know he's mine, but he IS the most beautiful child EVER!! The bottom line of all the results are that our child is brilliant like his Daddy and wild and figety like his Mommy. His constant movement is attributed to a "sensory input problem" that requires him to experience and process the world through movement. This also means that Drew has a very difficult time ignoring and blocking out ambient noise and excess visual stimuli. Because Drew is above where he should be intellectually, he is not able to get the occupational therapy he needs for free. So we are waiting to see what our pediatrician can find out about getting him into a private therapist. I know that God will provide whatever we need financially to get Drew the help he needs. Apparently things like weighted vests and massage can help Drew stay focused. The good news is that even though he is constantly moving, and it often appears that he isn't paying attention, he is! He is still learning everything he needs to and I guess we should become really concerned if he ever slows down. :)

This coming Sunday is my favorite holiday! Christmas is great, with all the gift giving and holiday spirit, and certainly had Christ never been born we couldn't have saved me from my sins, but there is nothing like celebrating God's power and love through the empty tomb!!!! We have lots of family out of town on Sunday so our normal Easter Sunday lunch is out. So instead we are choosing to do something special for the kids. Jay-May will bring over KK (since her hubby has to earn a living) and we will have a real live picnic. We will have NO adult food, but rather have all of the kids favorite things like mandarin oranges, grapes, cookies, pig-in-the-blankets, and chicken nuggets. We will all pile in the hammock and swing and sing and play. I am VERY excited. I want my children to remember this and what it is all about. I will constantly remind them that this day and all the candy and eggs is just how we celebrate that yes, Jesus died on the cross for me (and for you), but he didn't stay dead. HE IS ALIVE AND LIVING IN ME!!!! HAPPY RESURRECTION DAY EVERYBODY!!!

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