Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Time for a new doo

So because I'm getting old and I have no desire to change my family or my job, the only thing I have left to change is my hair. So the great Lauren went to work. Three hours later I was a curly headed blond! Of course that meant it was picture time. Daddy met me and the boys to try and get some good pictures for BJ for fathers day. I've been wanting to replace the candle thingie over the mantle with a huge picture of my sweet boys for some time. I guess I was waiting until Drew was big enough to cooperate...and boy did we get some beautiful pictures. Of course, I was so excited that I just HAD to tell BJ, so I ruined the suprise, but he got to pick his favorite!
Devlan is now officially on summer break and I am on baby watch. I've got one friend at work 4 days from her due date (and yes I'm praying she will go into labor AT work so I get to be there), 2 of my very close friends are due in August, then add Devlan's 1st grade teacher and our friend who is due in July. I don't know if there is something in the water or if people just got really bored this past fall....
We are trying to decide what activities the boys will do over the next couple of months. Devlan wants to play basketball in the winter, but could play baseball or football in the fall. I am totally against football because Devlan would be the one constantly getting hurt (after all this is the kid that I had to wrap an ace bandage around his leg when he skinned his leg on Sunday and it wasn't even bleeding). Drew would probably love football but isn't old enough and I doubt the other kids would be tough enough for Captain Destructo. I am thinking of sending Drew to gymnastics classes after he had ball at Emma's birthday party at the Little Gym (where they have all sorts of gymnastic equipment). And then we have to decide a short term camp or longer term classes....so many decisions and so little brain power