Friday, May 1, 2009

The Great Wolfe Lodge, Baseball, D-Now, and a Legacy

The Great Wolfe Lodge ROCKS! We had a ball in Concord at the indoor water park. The family water slides were amazing and we had many laughs with Mimi and G-Daddy. Devlan loved playing Magic Quest, where you get a wand that activates all sorts of things throughout the resort. The game is essentially an electronic scavenger hunt that both the adults and kids had a great time figuring out. Drew and BJ spent alot of time in the arcade and I caught BJ on more than one occasion playing Guitar Hero :)

Devlan is now in the full swing of baseball season. He is having a great time and I know I'm partial, but he's actually pretty good. He play 1st base and consistently gets good hits. On Wednesday night he got his 1st ever Grand Slam....before too long his head won't fit through the door jam.

BJ and I got to go with a group of friends to participate in a D-Now weekend in Clayton. This is an overnight youth event that focused on sharing the gospel and God showed up big time! This church was amazing, welcoming us with open arms and very sweet hearts. It was so awesome for BJ and I to get back to our roots...youth ministry. I have so missed being with teenagers and having the opportunity to speak into their lives. As usual I showed up hoping to be used by God to bless the life of a teenager and I was the one who left changed. Over this weekend I was reminded of God's goodness and of evils very real hold on much of our world. My heart, for the 1st time in a long time, was broken for lost and hurting students. So often I live happily in my Jesus bubble, content in my own salvation and forgetting that there are broken and scarred people all around me. With open eyes I am seeing the unexplainable pain of a child and also being reminded of God's grace that makes beauty from ashes. Please pray for the teenagers of Clayton, NC as they seek to find out who God really is.

Finally, I've had another profound parenting moment this week. As my heart was already tender from D-now and sensitive to hearing the Spirit of Jesus whisper to me this is what I realized: My children have an awesome and rare gift....a full legacy of people that truly long to love and serve Jesus. I see Grandma serving babies each week in the nursery, showing them the love of Christ by rocking and changing diapers. I watch G-Daddy use his God-given talents to share the love of Christ to complete strangers. I see Mimi constantly sacrificing to join with us in prayer for our ministries. And then there's Papa, playing the drums for Jesus each and every Sunday. Devlan and Drew have something worth far more than a large trust fund or society pages could ever offer....a WHOLE family who loves and is actively serving Jesus. What a legacy to leave with them!
Lord Jesus, thank you for the family you have blessed us with and I pray that you will in turn bless those that have so selflessly loved us and those that are teaching, with their lives, the importance of loving you. You're goodness is almost too much for me and my cup is full.

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