Thursday, April 2, 2009

A funny moment from the Brantley dinner table

BJ and I are making our grand RE-entrance into youth ministry. We have both missed it horribly and through our awesome student pastor, Chris, we are going to participate in a D-now event at the end of April. BJ and I were discussing how awesome these events are (overnight discipleship events) and how we always make memories with the friends that are also participating. I made the mistake of saying, "no children and lots of fun". Of course, nosy britches (a.k.a Devlan) was listening intently the whole time. He raised his hand (sometimes he forgets that he's not at school and knows better than to just interrupt) and said "So are you saying that you don't like us mommy?" I started laughing and then realized that he was semi-serious. So then Bj tried to dig me out by asking Delvan, "Who would you rather play your DS with, Caleb or me?" Devlan had caught on at this point and said "You Daddy". We happened to know that this wasn't true and the smile on his face was a dead giveaway.
Note to self: Not only will they repeat anything they hear but also analyze it.....SCARY!

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