Thursday, September 10, 2009

Time to catch up...

It's almost the end of my super busy season....we're now counting down the days. 5 and counting!

Life is moving so fast it seems like millions of things have changed since my last post so here go the updates:

*BJ's dad (Papa with no hair) was diagnosed with tongue cancer and has had surgery to remove the tumor. The surgery turned out far better than anyone expected and Barry is well on his way to recovery.

*Devlan is now officially a 2nd grader. He is learning so many things and growing by leaps and bounds. He is very into helping me do all sorts of things to earn money. He's saving up to buy a Nintendo DS game so he's always looking for ways to earn. He came into work with me last Saturday and helped me make copies and earned a one whole dollar...I'm enjoying that while it lasts...before long he's going to start asking for more.

*Drewdie started therapy Duke for his sensory issues. As a family we are learning so much and had no clue simple things like having him drink a milkshake through a straw can be very calming. I'm not really sure who figured out these therapies but I'm betting someone discovered it by accident, either way, I'm grateful that we have these resources....God's provision is amazing.
Drew also started Grove Park Chapel preschool, another excellent example of God's perfect timing. We got the call he got in the morning of the orientation. He loves going (so far) and seems to be getting settled in. He is precious in so many ways and I am grateful that I get to be the parent of this amazingly resilient little boy. I'm convinced God has big plans for him and hope that we can simply point him in the right direction.

*Some friends of ours went camping and invited us over Labor Day. I make no bones about the fact that I don't camp. Call me whatever you like (priss pot, princess, etc), but it does not sound like fun to go in the heat with no running water or close by facilities. I decided I'd be a good sport and go for a little while and just not spend the night. Unfortunately I had to get some work done, but mostly just couldn't get past the dooky like mud. Everything in me was saying "Run the other way". I left for home and BJ and the boys stayed at the lake for the night just for Drew and BJ to be awakened in the middle of the night covered in ants. They ended up sleeping the rest of the night in the truck....see...nothing about that sounds fun to me.....nothing!

I think that catches everyone up to speed!